Friday, July 13, 2012


Over the past few days (it feels more like decades), I've gone through and cleaned up all of my old photos.  Amazing what a good crop function and light adjustment can do!

I didn't have any good photo editing software, so I decided to download Picasa to add a mark to the photos and started playing around with the light/crop and voila!  Better pictures.  I think I've done all of them now.  I had no idea how many pictures I've taken of my nails until I had to edit


On the bright side, it was really worth it because I was able to crop/zoom in better on the nails, show off some of the amazing polishes better and lighten up a few I took inside (my house has the light equivalent of Lurray Caverns).

If you noticed any of the old photos changing, this is why.  Thanks to all of you who followed me even though my pictures were le suck!

I always am looking for ways to improve this blog, so while this may be the first, it wont be the last!

Have a great weekend!

Clicking on the photos will enlarge them. Please see the disclaimer for this blog.

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